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Business Services

Budget and Accounting

The District operates on a fiscal cycle that begins July 1 and ends June 30. The Board of Trustees adopts a budget annually on or before June 30th for the next fiscal year. Throughout the year, the Board may amend this budget as needed. The Board must also publish a first and second interim report and certify the final ending position for each fiscal year. Additionally, an independent auditor must publish an audit of the District's financial position annually in December following the close of the fiscal year.

Documents & Presentations

Student Attendance

The Board of Trustees has adopted a number of policies and procedures designed to ensure that the District is compliant with all laws governing student attendance. The district offers both a home school and an independent study program in addition to home/hospital services for those students who qualify. Regular attendance in school is a critical factor in the academic success of our students. Additionally, the District's budget is highly dependent for the majority of its income upon student attendance. Thus, a high rate of absenteeism compromises our ability to offer the programs and services for which we budget each year. Student attendance is reported to the State of California for financial purposes three times annually. Problems in student attendance are an issue for compulsory education laws, and the District is aggressively ensuring that students attend school.

Purchasing and Warehouse

The district operates a central warehouse and receives all shipments of purchased goods in that location for processing. Stock in the warehouse is determined based upon frequency of use. Central purchasing allows the District to realize discounts for volume and to work with vendors in order to achieve the best possible value for our dollars. This process also ensures that we are compliant with laws governing our mandates to handle hazardous materials correctly. Deliveries to our schools from the central warehouse occur daily. Purchases are made in compliance with all laws governing public school districts, and large projects and purchases are let for public bid in compliance with the public contract code. Purchases in excess of $7,500.00 must be pre-approved by the Board of Trustees prior to orders being placed. Salespeople are welcome to call the District buyer for appointments and to place catalogs in the buyer’s office for use by all district staff.

Jacob Briggs Ed. D.
Assistant Superintendent of Business Services

Nikki Skelton
Administrative Assistant
661.722.0716 ext. 71113

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