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Bidding and Contracting

Contractor Registration

Westside Union School District requires all Vendors bidding on public works projects to register with the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) per Senate Bill (SB) 854.

Prior to bidding on public works contracts, vendors must register using the following link: DIR online application. Application and renewal are completed online. Read the SB 854 Fact Sheet or visit DIR - Public Works for a complete list of requirements and additional information.

Bidding and Contracting

Contracts for Public Projects of $15,000 or more must be competitively bid. A school district must let any contract for a "public project" involving an expenditure of $15,000 or more to the lowest responsible bidder. The term "public project" is defined in Public Contract Code section 22002, subdivision (c) as any of the following:

  • Construction, reconstruction, erection, alteration, renovation, improvement, demolition, and repair work involving any publicly owned, leased, or operated facility.
  • Painting or repainting of any publicly owned, leased, or operated facility.
  • In the case of a publicly owned utility system, "public project" shall include only the construction, erection, improvement, or repair of dams, reservoirs, power plant, and electrical transmission lines of 230,000 volts and higher.

Contracts involving an expenditure of $50,000 or more must be let to the lowest responsible bidder if they are for any of the following:

  • The purchase of equipment, materials, or supplies to be furnished, sold, or leased to the district.
  • Services, except construction services.
  • Repairs, including maintenance as defined in Section 20115, that are not a public project as defined in subdivision (c) of Section 22002.

Interested contractors or subcontractors are invited to Prequalify for Westside Union School District Public Bids by reviewing our Prequalification Information.