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Title III Plan Revisions and Budget

The Title III plan is broken down into 4 components:

  • Professional Development
  • Programs and Activities
  • English Proficiency and Academic Achievement
  • Allocation of funds for services
  • English Learner Needs Assessment

Title III Professional Development

ESSA SECTION 3115(c)(2)
Describe how the eligible entity will provide effective professional development to classroom teachers,
principals and other school leaders, administrators, and other school or community-based
organizational personnel.

Research-based professional development designed to support the specific language acquisition needs and
academic progress of English Learners is provided to teachers, administrators, and bilingual assistants. Topics

  • Adopted Curriculum in all content areas
  • Lesson Planning
  • CCSS and ELD Standards
  • Lesson objectives and language objectives
  • Designated and Integrated ELD
  • Identification of English learners and state assessments: Initial ELPAC, Alternate ELPAC, and
  • Summative ELPAC
  • EL progress monitoring and comprehensive program analysis and needs assessment
  • Reclassification procedures and monitoring
  • Professional Learning Communities (PLC) and data team protocols
  • Language acquisition and additional supports for EL students with disabilities
  • AVID strategies in all content areas
  • Districtwide screeners and benchmark assessments: NWEA, IXL
  • Conceptual understanding of Mathematics

Professional development to support English learners is provided to administrators, teachers, and the New Teacher Support program staff. Administrators continue to provide ongoing professional development to
teachers at site level meetings. Additionally, professional development is provided during structured district training days. This work is supported by the district Special Programs Department and Curriculum and Instruction Department.

Bilingual assistants, approximately two for each site, provide additional small group or one-on-one support to EL students within the classroom. Site bilingual assistants also work a portion of their day with parents to both increase parent participation and assist with translation and communication. The regular salaries of staff members are not funded with Title III.

Ongoing professional development for bilingual assistants is provided to the bilingual assistants to support parent outreach, student engagement, and English learner program components such as the English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC).

Based on data analysis and needs assessment, there is an achievement gap between the performance of the EL student group and other student groups. As a result of these discrepancies, school sites are implementing data teams and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) at school sites to build sustainable structures in which teachers can analyze student progress and data. Additional training has been provided to administrators in the area of PLCs through Solution Tree. This process is assisting the district with systems of equity, creation of formative assessments, data and program analysis, and alignment of intervention programs.

Title III funded supplemental professional development for teachers includes ELD integrated and designated strategies that enhance and promote the student’s use of language. The additional training increases the knowledge of teachers in language acquisition and student engagement. Discussions of these additional strategies include targeted interventions for EL students which are infused in the collaborative conversations within data teams, noted above. Student achievement is analyzed and targeted interventions for re-teaching and/or strategies to address scaffolding are put in place by the classroom teachers.

District analysis also demonstrates a need to address the reclassification rates of Long-term English Learners (LTELs). Therefore, supplemental training for Long-term English Learners will be implemented in the
2020-2021 school year. Training will include EL Shadowing, beginning with the training of Vice Principals at Sundown, Del Sur, and Joe Walker since these sites demonstrate a lower level of reclassification rate and increased LTEL students. Targeted supports from administrators will be in place for the middle school staff to infuse strategies and scaffolds to support academic achievement in content areas, specifically vocabulary, for ELs. Supports will be monitored by the administrator to ensure implementation over time, and grade level
teams will continue to meet in collaborative learning groups.

Title III Programs and Activities

ESSA SECTION 3116(b)(1)

Describe the effective programs and activities, including language instruction educational programs, proposed to be developed, implemented, and administered under the subgrant that will help English learners increase their English language proficiency and meet the challenging State academic standards.

 The District has approximately 600 English Learners (6.3%), of which most of the students speak Spanish as their primary language. Other languages spoken in the district include Korean, Arabic, Mandarin, Tagalog, Italian, Russian, and others. Ongoing consultation with families of English Learners takes place during ELAC and DELAC meetings as well as at the Superintendent’s Advisory, which includes a DELAC representative. Programs and services are discussed at these sessions and stakeholders have opportunities to provide feedback and suggestions.

Parent input is reviewed during the revision process of the LCAP and the Federal Addendum/Title III Plan to assist in meeting the specific needs of English Learners. Additionally, needs identified through the ongoing program monitoring system and needs assessment, are topics of discussion with stakeholders. A systematic layering of services and actions are provided, which are funded first with LCFF Base Grant, Supplemental Grant (equitable services addressing unduplicated student groups), and additional services funded with Title III.

To strategically increase English language proficiency and academic success of English learners, the District will continue to implement programs and services outlined in the EL Master Plan and the LCAP/Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan. The programs and services outlined in the District Master Plan describe the framework of instruction and supports for English Learners. The Comprehensive English Learner program includes Structured English Immersion, English Language Development both Integrated and Designated, in conjunction with the ELD/ELA Standards. The District, as described in the Title III Professional Development section, is in the process of implementing Professional Learning Communities/data teams, across school sites to support planning, development of assessments both formative and summative, analysis of student results, lesson planning, strategic interventions and engagement strategies, and system alignment. Additionally, school sites work with their site leadership team to align practices through the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support model and/or continuous improvement model.

Some of the additional supports funded with Supplemental Grant to provide access and equitable services include bilingual assistants within the classroom to facilitate on-the-spot language support in content areas, routine online screening assessments on NWEA to provide data for targeted intervention, and online support for newcomers through access to Rosetta Stone. Parent outreach includes a parent English Literacy Program, which involves access to Rosetta Stone and collaborative group lessons.

The District is committed to providing additional supports for English Learners to further enhance programs and opportunities to increase ELD and mastery of the State Standards. Supplemental activities and services funded with Title III for the 2020-2021 school year will include:

  • Tutoring Services - Additional language acquisition and content intervention support through tutoring services. Staff involved may include both classified and/or certificated. Services, specific to language acquisition and content curriculum support, will assist students with individualized instruction beyond the school day. The need for this Action is noted in the annual needs assessment and is an activity suggested by parent stakeholders at DELAC meetings. Classified and/or certificated staff providing tutoring services are funded with Title III Funds.
  • Latino Literacy - Cultural and/or literacy groups, such as Latino Literacy, are in place at elementary school sites. The program is supported with dual language books for parents to take home and read with their children. This additional program builds family literacy opportunities and exposes students to both their primary language and English. Additional outcomes for this action include families building a network of support at the school site and increased parent participation. Parent groups meet weekly September through May and have been in place for several years. Qualitative stakeholder input demonstrates that this program continues to be a valuable service. The district bilingual assistants are funded with Supplemental Grant Funding. Program components, such as dual language books and supplies for parents are funded with Title III Funds.
  •  ELLevation Software - To assist with progress monitoring, program implementation, and data analysis the district uses the ELLevation software program. This program will assist ongoing progress monitoring at school sites by administrators and teachers, monitor reclassification of students, and continue to monitor comprehensive progress on a variety of assessments and benchmarks. The software will directly impact the analysis used by leadership teams/data teams and build systems of support developed through the continuous improvement model.
  • Rosetta Stone - Supplemental support for English learners, which may include LTELs and newcomers, includes the use of the Rosetta Stone program. For students in grades 6 through 8 the traditional Rosetta Stone language program will be offered. Students in the lower elementary grades may be offered language supports using the elementary Rosetta Stone program, which supports academic and content-based language. Additional technology such as headsets are purchased for student use on this program.
  • English Literacy Parent Support Program - Approximately 50 parents participate in the English Literacy Classes, which are provided by a district bilingual assistant. This program utilizes the Rosetta Stone program in conjunction with collaborative group work to learn English. Program outcomes have included increased involvement and advocacy for parents at the school site. Additionally, parents learning English have formed a network of support and gained confidence in assisting their children with school work. The district bilingual assistant running this program is funded with Supplemental Grant Funding. Program components such as licenses for Rosetta Stone and parent supplies are funded with Title III funds.
  • Supplemental Professional Development - Additional professional development to support language acquisition is funded with Title III. Professional development may include trainings from Kagan and/or CABE, which provides supplemental language acquisition strategies to increase student achievement and engagement enhancing the use of language domains. Title III funds will be used for registration fees and extra duty salaries and benefits for staff, if applicable. Additionally, administrators may participate in supplemental workshops that support the implementation of the EL Roadmap.
  • Parent Engagement - If available during the 20-21 school year, parents will have the opportunity to participate in workshops hosted by the California Association of Bilingual Education. Registration fees will be funded with Title III funds.
  • Newcomer Kits - Several new students to the country have enrolled. Languages of newcomers vary with most Spanish speakers. Other students speak Arabic, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Armenian, and other languages. Distance learning challenges for students with lower English language proficiency may need foundational reading materials such as flashcards, dual language dictionaries, and whiteboards.
  • Teaching Materials/Supplies - Site bilingual assistants and teachers working with EL students may need additional supplies while working on a hybrid and/or distance learning platform. Materials may include flashcards, dictionaries, thesauruses, and whiteboards.


English Proficiency and Academic Achievement

ESSA SECTION 3116(b)(2)(A-B)
Describe how the eligible entity will ensure that elementary schools and secondary schools receiving funds under Subpart 1 assist English learners in:

  1. Achieving English proficiency based on the State’s English language proficiency assessment under Section 1111(b)(2)(G), consistent with the State’s long-term goals, as described in Section 1111(c)(4)(A)(ii); and
  2. Meeting the changing State academic standards.

Site administrators, in conjunction with stakeholders, complete the annual Needs Assessment for English Learners. Data reviewed includes the California state assessment (SBAC) results and the English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC) results. Additionally, other program monitoring pieces are included in the needs assessment, such as attendance rates, suspension rates, tutoring, ELD program monitoring, and any other unique services provided at the school site. The needs assessment is shared with both the ELAC and the School Site Council during the revision process of the School Plan for Student Achievement. The intention is to analyze the results and determine areas of inequity in order to address student needs. Achievement gaps are addressed and discussion includes a determination of need and the development of a plan, which will lead to mastery of the state standards and/or ELD standards. School sites indicate supports within the SPSA and goals are reviewed by the Site Council. The District monitors the implementation of services noted within the SPSA as well as completion of the needs assessment.

Additional professional development is provided according to the unique needs of the school site, specifically if new teachers are working at the site, and additional professional development may be planned. Supplemental professional development may be funded with Title III Funds. Site administrators are expected to monitor delivery of both Integrated and Designated ELD, and teachers turn in schedules indicating times in which Designated ELD is in place during the school day. Monitoring includes site walk-throughs as well as teacher observations by site administrators.

Continual progress monitoring takes place at a minimum quarterly for EL students and RFEP students at each site. Parent/teacher conferences are held as needed throughout the school year. The ELLevation software system will assist in ongoing achievement monitoring since the system will track benchmark data from NWEA as well as annual assessments, ELPAC and SBAC. If monitoring indicates an RFEP student is not meeting academic standards, a parent/teacher conference is scheduled for that student.

The District also monitors EL student progress through analysis of data on the Illuminate system to review state assessment results and through the completion of a district wide EL needs assessment. The Director of Special Programs visits campuses and classrooms regularly and works specifically with site administrators on collection of data and monitoring of the annual Needs Assessment. An additional layer of monitoring includes the Director of Special Programs meeting annually with both site administrators to address assessment results, review reclassification criteria, discuss unique site needs for professional development or progress monitoring, and identification of EL students in special education.

Data Sources Activities/Services Reviewed


Possible Reason for Finding

Need Based on Finding (Now What?)


Guiding Questions:

  • What are the general findings?
  • What trends are observed over time in the data?
  • What claims are areas of concern?
  • Is performance consistent across grade levels?
  • Where is the greatest disparity?

Guiding Questions:

  • What are possible causes for the current levels of performance? What is responsible for the current state?
  • Is the instruction in the core program implementing all resources available through the core program?
  • Are students who need additional support being offered support and taking advantage of it?
  • How do w e use our collaborative planning time in addressing on-going student assessment results? Do w e honestly adjust our instruction when the results are weak?
  • Does the Master Schedule allow for maximum use of interventions? Opportunities?
  • Are staff members implementing w hat is learned? When and how does staff examine performance data? How are EL students monitored?
  • How is ELD monitored?
  • Is the instructional day organized to offer ELs access to ELD and core? What are possible causes for reclassification patterns?
  • How is personnel assigned to support at-risk students?
  • Do all at-risk students have access to interventions?
  • Do at-risk students have access to effective and experienced teachers? Do all at-risk students have access to technology?

Create a Need Statement:

  • Needs are expressed as the intended state. Need statements synthesize the findings and possible causes. Need statements are not listed as problems.
  • There is a need to …
  • Students need opportunities to … Students need explicit instruction on …

Add what evidence would you look for to show progress?

What is the expected progress for students? How w ill progress be measured?

Guiding Questions:

  • Is the need expressed as the intended state? Is the need stated as a problem or a need?
  • Does the need statement synthesize
  • information gained from the evidence and the discussion about cause?
  • Does the need statement direct action?

Dashboard (SBAC) 3rd through 8th grade.

English Learner Progress Compared to All Students
Dashboard (2019)




All Students



Distance From Standard



EL Students



EL Students Distance From Standard

101.9 below

13.2 Increased

84.3 below

6.6 Increased

Reclassified Students Distance From Standard

36.8 below standard

8.1 increased

.08 above standard

8 Increased

English Only Distance From Standard

35.1 below standard

2.7 Maintained

2.5 below standard

4.1 increased



●      Data is taken from the 2019 Dashboard, which includes the ELPAC and SBAC from the spring of 2019. Due to the 2020 cancellation of the Summative ELPAC and SBAC, data is unavailable.

●     EL students are performing significantly below standard in both math and ELA. Is academic and content language contributing to the data in math?

●     Reclassified students are performing just above standard, indicating that reclassification criteria is appropriate.

●     For the 2020-2021 school year NWEA scores will be reviewed for progress monitoring and reclassification.

●     Possibly review intentional strategies in place that lead to increased engagement  for EL students. This data may be pulled from observation using the EL Shadowing Tool.

1.     There is a need to observe EL students in content areas  to determine if EL students are using all language domains to increase language acquisition and academic achievement. Training for  EL Shadowing is provided for JW, DS, and SD in the fall of 2020. Data for EL Shadowing will be reviewed in 2020-2021.

2.    There is a need to review NWEA scores to monitor student progress since the annual assessment, SBAC, will not be available

Participation Rate
(ELPAC 2019)

ELPAC Participation Rate (ELPAC 2019) District: 99%

AH: 98%

CW: 98%


EZ: 100%

GA: 100%

HV: 95%


LV: 100%

QH: 98%


SD: 100%

VV: 100%


All EL students must take the ELPAC annually until they are reclassified.

  • Approximately 50% of EL students completed the ELPAC prior to school closures in March 2020.
  • Data for ELPAC in 2019 - All school sites at or above 95%.
  • Low EL numbers at some school sites with one EL student not taking the ELPAC can significantly impact the participation rate at that site.
  • There is a need to pull the participation rate reports during the testing window to ensure that all EL students are tested. This may include administrators pulling those reports to assist with completion rates.
  • There is a need to increase communication with enrollment as students not taking the ELPAC may have been newly enrolled. This will lead to a more efficient accounting on students needing to take the ELPAC that enroll in the middle of the testing window.

Progress on Summative ELPAC (ELPI Score from 2019 Dashboard)

English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI) by site (2019)

  • AH: 52.8% High
  • CW: 48.6% Medium
  • DS: 41.9% Low
  • EZ: 35.9% Low
  • GAA: 57.1% High
  • HV: 45.2% Medium
  • JW: 28.1% Very Low
  • LV: Less than 11 students
  • QH: 34% Very Low
  • RV: 45.9% Medium
  • SD: 17.9% Very Low
  • VV: 41.4% Low


English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI) District: 39.8% (Low)

 Progress towards English language proficiency is calculated from EL student data over two consecutive years. Very Low considered red on Dashboard

  • Differences in ELPI scores of 40 percentage points from highest to lowest scoring site.
  • What strategies are in place at GAA, AH, and CW that have led to a higher ELPI score?
  • What supplemental interventions are in place at GAA, AH, and CW?
  • 6 schools scoring at low or very low
  • ELPI scores will not be available for 2020
  • Is there a process to analyze data to provide ongoing timely feedback in order to make adjustments to timely academic interventions?
  • The district ELPI score is at low. ELPAC progress across the district is not consistent.
  • There is a need for a more consistent software program to assist with data collection and ongoing progress monitoring in order to provide timely interventions and support for students. The ELLevation software program will be used. Professional development will be provided to sites to support progress monitoring and intervention support.
  • There is a need for increased system development at school sites to use the continuous growth model through MTSS and data teams to increase consistent intervention programs.

EL Students in Special Education

As of 10/16/2020 565 EL students. TBD students are not in this count.

107 EL students have a primary disability.

  • On an annual basis, how many EL students are qualifying for special education?
  • Is additional professional development needed to identify the difference between a language acquisition issue and a disability?
  • What early interventions are in place across the district for EL students prior to assessment for special education?
  • There is a need for additional professional development for all certificated special education teachers to address assessment, qualifying, and reclassification of special education students.
  • There is a need to survey early interventions used at each school site prior to assessment.
Number of EL students reclassified

Reclassification Rates District wide (2018-2019): 120 17.8%






































Reclassification Rates Districtwide (2019-2020)

  • AH - 9 ( 14.5 %)
  • CW - 14 ( 23.3 %)
  • DS - 2 ( 5.3 %)
  • EZ - 28 ( 22.4 %)
  • GA - 10 ( 23.8 %)
  • HV - 14 ( 36.8 %)
  • JW - 4 ( 11.1 %)
  • LV - 1 ( 33.3 %)
  • QH - 8 ( 11.6 %)
  • RV - 7 ( 12.1 %)
  • SD - 8 ( 13.1 %)
  • VV - 9 ( 12.0 %)
  • Approximately 50% of students completed the ELPAC in the spring of 2020 prior to school closures. Reclassification rates for 2020-2021 will be impacted. The optional Summative ELPAC was made available in the fall of 2020  for students that did not complete the Summative ELPAC in the spring and are close to reclassification. Approximately 40 students are taking  the Summative ELPAC prior to October 30.
  • The district reclassification rate is consistent.18.19 reclassification = 120 and 19.20 reclassification = 114
  • Percentage rates vary according to total number of EL students at school sites. The district total number of EL students is more consistent at approximately 620 EL students each year
  • There is a need for a software program to assist with ongoing progress monitoring so reclassification occurs in a more timely manner.
  • There is a need to analyze the data for EL students in special education in order to assist school sites with alternate reclassification procedures for students in special education.

Professional Development including ELD both integrated and designated



  • PD held for new teachers in the fall of 2020 included ELD, ELD Standards, and writing a language objective.
  • PD, including Integrated and Designated ELD provided to all teachers in the fall of 2020.
  • Ongoing PD at sites is in place to support PD during staff meetings and 90 minute workshops.
  • Monitoring of ELD occurs at the school sites by site administrators.
  • Are EL students engaged in learning in all content areas? How can observations and teachers measure engagement? Do students have opportunities to use all language domains during class lessons?
  • Are strategies provided in PD applied and reviewed to become key site strategies?
  • How are data teams adding strategies that demonstrate increased student achievement?
  • There is a need for increased professional development for administrators that would assist with monitoring of EL student engagement. Three school sites are currently participating in EL Shadowing.
  • There is a need for PD that will offer strategies to increase EL student engagement in all language domains. Such PD may include EL Thinking Maps and or Kagan strategies.

LTEL and at-Risk of becoming LTEL students (Dataquest 19.20)

  • 92 EL students at-risk of becoming LTEL (4 to 5 years EL student)
  • 66 EL students LTEL (6 or more years as EL student)
  • LTEL students are in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Support classes are in place at HV and JW.
  • There is a need for EL Shadowing to be in place for LTEL students to determine engagement levels of students.
Parent Outreach
and participation
which includes
literacy programs,
P/T conference

Parent Engagement

  • Parent/Teacher Conferences in the fall and spring
  • Participation of parents in the English Literacy Classes
  • Elementary sites continue to run literacy groups for parents
  • All school sites except LV run ELAC meetings. A minimum of 5 DELAC meetings are held each year.
  • Due to school closure, the Empowering YOUth Family Festival was cancelled.
  • Parent/Teacher conferences were held in 2019. Formal Parent/Teacher conferences were cancelled due to the adjustment in the school calendar and the health crisis. Conferences are held at each school site, but tracking of EL conferences is not taking place in 2020.
  • Parent English Literacy classes continue for approximately 50 parents across the district. Parents are provided a Rosetta Stone license and collaboration opportunities in groups. This program is facilitated by a district bilingual assistant.
  • DELAC and ELAC meetings continue at each school site. DELAC meetings typically include approximately 45 attendees. Each site holds a minimum of 4 ELAC meetings each year.
  • Site bilingual assistants continue to provide parent outreach and literacy opportunities through programs such as the Latino Literacy Program. Each school site, excluding LV, has at least one bilingual assistant supporting the EL program and parent outreach.
  • Due to the turn-over of site bilingual assistants, there is a need for a refresher training for bilingual assistants to return to the Latino Literacy Program to support reading fluency and language development.
  • Due to school closure and distance learning, there is a continued need for parent training in technology and the online curriculum.
Language Census
Dataquest 2020
Language Group Data
Spanish - 497 students
Arabic - 16
Vietnamese - 14
Armeanean - 18
Other - 15
Filipino - 13
Korean - 13
Mandarin - 16
  • The primary language of the majority of the EL students in the district is Spanish. Translation services, both informal and formal, are provided to parents as needed.
  • All school sites continue to put in place systems to provide information to parents in a language that is understood.
Change in
  • 20-21 Change in one reclassification criteria for EL students due to the cancellation of the SBAC.
  • Students closest to reclassification were offered the opportunity to take the 2020 Summative ELPAC in October if the student did not take the assessment in the spring due to school closure. If these students score an overall 4 on the ELPAC, they may be eligible for reclassification in 20.21. The district will use the NWEA scores in place of the SBAC. The NWEA will take the place of an assessment of comparison performance in Basic Skills.
Chart of Reclassification APL
  • There is a need to use the NWEA scores in lieu of the SBAC scores for reclassification in the 20.21 school year.
  • Students are scheduled to take the SBAC in the spring of 2021, so the assessment to measure basic skills will change back to the SBAC for reclassification in 21.22. 
Distance Learning
  • 30 EL students receiving hotspots out of 258
  • Approximately 10% of EL students had a need for a district supplied hotspot.
  • Newcomers demonstrate an additional challenge to participation and engagement in learning online due to their lower English proficiency level.
  • EL students with lower proficiency English levels have a need for additional supplies to learn foundational English skills. Bilingual assistants continue to support students through additional intervention times during the school day.  
  • There is a need to provide materials to staff and students to boost foundational language learning, such as alphabet flashcards, site word flashcards, and whiteboards.
  • There is a need for dual language dictionaries and flashcards for newcomers. Specifically, students that are new to the country with a primary language with a different alphabet

2020-2021 Title III Plan



Title III Funds

Allocations and Disbursements


Rollover 18.19 Title III



Rollover 19.20 Title III



Allocation 20.21 Title III









Total Title III Funds





Planned Activities and Services

Budget Reference

20.21 Budgeted Expenditures

Supplemental Language Tutoring Services

Cert/Class XD


Latino Literacy Program



* Supplies - Remote learning kits and workbooks

Materials & Resources


* Additional dual language readers

Materials & Resources


* Registration for training



ELLevation Software

Software Subscription


Rosetta Stone



* Headphones for students Rosetta Stone

Materials & Supplies


English Literacy Parent Class



* Rosetta Stone Licenses - Parent and Student



* Chromebooks



* Supplies for Literacy Parent Class

Material & Supplies


Professional Development - Certificated Staff



Parent Engagement Workshops



Newcomer Kits

Materials & Resources


Teaching Materials/Supplies

Materials & Resources


Indirect Cost

Indirect Cost (5.07%)



