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Multi-Factor Authentication

At Westside Union School District, we take security seriously. As part of our efforts to enhance account security, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is required for all Westside Union School District employee accounts.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), also called two-factor authentication (2FA), provides an increased layer of security to your Westside account by adding a physical verification of your identity - either with your phone or with a USB security key.

Permanent employees: We support two methods of MFA: the Microsoft Authenticator App or a USB security key called a YubiKey. To learn about each method and decide which works best for you, review the FAQ linked below. 

Substitute employees: We support the Microsoft Authenticator App for MFA. To learn about the app, review the FAQ linked below. 

If you are replacing the phone you originally set up Microsoft Authenticator on, please make sure to back up your authenticator profile in the app so you can transfer it to your new device!

Get Your MFA Set Up!

Follow the steps below to get multi-factor authentication going on your account.
If you encounter any difficulties or questions, call the IT Helpline at 661-722-0716 x46157.

Step 1: Learn about Westside's Multi-Factor Authentication Methods

Review the FAQ linked below to learn more about each method and decide which one works best for you. 

Click here for the Multi-Factor Authentication FAQ

After deciding on your MFA method, fill out the corresponding Google Form in the Choose your Multi-Factor Authentication Method section below. 

Please note: there is a $50 replacement fee for lost or damaged YubiKeys.

Step 2: Choose Your Multi-Factor Authentication Method

After reviewing the FAQ and deciding on your MFA method, fill out the Google Form below for that method. This will notify the IT Department of your choice.

If you complete the Microsoft Authenticator app Google Form, follow the set-up instructions in the Set up Your MFA section below.

If you complete the YubiKey Google Form, the IT Department will send you your YubiKey; expect it to take 1-3 days depending on request volume. After receiving your YubiKey, follow the set-up instructions in the Set up Your MFA section below.
Please note: there is a $50 replacement fee for lost or damaged YubiKeys.

Microsoft Authenticator App option or YubiKey option

Step 3: Set up Your MFA

Instructions for setting up your chosen multi-factor authentication method are provided below. Please be sure to complete the appropriate Google Form in Step 2 before setting up your MFA.

* Please note, if you have chosen the YubiKey, you won't be able to complete the set up until you have received your key from the IT Department.

If you encounter any difficulties, call the IT Department helpline at 661-722-0716 x 46157


After completing the Microsoft Authenticator option survey, please use the directions below to set up multi-factor authentication on your Westside account.

Microsoft Authenticator set up instructions

After completing the YubiKey option survey, the IT Department will issue you a YubiKey. After receiving your YubiKey, use the directions below to set up multi-factor authentication on your Westside account.

YubiKey set up instructions


Thanks for Keeping our District Secure!

Have questions not answered by the FAQ? Encountering difficulties setting up your MFA method? Call the IT Department helpline at 661-722-0716 x46157 - we're happy to assist.