Donations to Schools or the District
The Board of Trustees may accept any bequest or gift of money or property on behalf of the District. While greatly appreciating suitable donations, the Board discourages any gifts which may directly or indirectly impair its commitment to providing equal educational opportunities for all district students.
Before accepting a gift, the Board shall consider whether the gift:
- Has a purpose consistent with the District's vision and philosophy
- Begins a program which the Board would be unable to continue when the donated funds are exhausted
- Entails undesirable or excessive costs
- Implies endorsement of any business or product
The Board shall carefully evaluate any conditions or restrictions imposed by the donor in light of district philosophy and operations. If the Board feels the District will be unable to fully satisfy the donor's conditions, the gift shall not be accepted.
Gift books and instructional materials shall be accepted only if they meet regular district criteria.
All gifts, grants and bequests shall become district property. Donors are encouraged to donate all gifts to the District rather than to a particular school. At the Superintendent or designee's discretion, a gift may be used at a particular school.